"Women World in Qajar Women" was the topic of the the first session I attended today. I have always been curious about Qajar women and my interest was deepend as I read Mrs. Foroough Shahab's "Sehezar O Yek Shab" followied by Masoud Behnoud's "Amineh". So you can imagine how thrilled I was, when I read in the program, that one of the first sessions in the conference is dedicated to this subject.
Dr. Nahid Mozffari reported about a digital archive project having been started at the Harvard University and its main goal is to locate and digitalize as many material related to the Qajar era as it can. Their website, www.qajarwomen.org, has just been established a couple of weeks ago to share the first batch of digitalized documents and pictures with the public.
She had a slide show while sharing amusing stories about some of them. They are interested in locating and digitalizizng documents and photographs, letters, wedding and legal documents, art works, films in pirvate family collections as well as in libraries, old books in bookstores, and even oral history about the Qajar era in general and Qajar women in specific.

Dr. Mozaffari was able to trasport us to a different time and place and share fascinating stories in the short time she had. I so look forward to exploring the website to continue the journey on my own.