Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Hard Life of "MY" Sparrows!

There are a few sparrows that unofficially live in my backyard. I have a well-used bird feeder, a frequently-visited birdbath, and a shaded backyard with hundreds of branches for them to play hide and seek in!!!

Earlier today, I was thinking, what do "my" sparrows do all day? they neither have to look for food or water since they are provided for them, nor do they have to look for a "shower" since they have their own private bath, or have to look for a safe, or shady place to play since they have their own free and safe garden. So what do they do all day long? Where do they go when they are not "home"?

To top it all off, my sister Mary had an architect called Kevin and a developer called Mark build them a "house" of their own. The deluxe birdhouse arrived this week and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was in "Nahzi's Blue". I haven't put it out there since I am not done using it as a decorative piece yet!!!

But seriously, where do they go all day?

What are they looking for?!

I am beginning to think that perhaps they have their home and family elsewhere and my backyard is simply their "khooneh Khaaly" (Bachelor Flat for my Gringo readers)

You know how it is; 9 out of 10, my imagination is more colorful and interesting than reality ;)

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